We define ourselves through our speech, our movement, our face expressions. It’s the way we manifest our presence and our true selves to the world. It is definitely much harder to be present and happy when we can’t fully show off whats trying to emerge from inside of us. It starts with our voice softening and lowering, our body shaking, our arms stiffening and our face just starts loosing its expression. We loose the ability to be with other people as we are and not only that because inside of us an extensive neurological damage has already taking action. More than 10 million people suffer from this disease worldwide. To many known as Parkinson’s. There is no specific test for PD and most diagnoses are confirmed by a combination of clinical symptoms and positive responses to dopaminergic drug therapies. The prevalence and incidence of PD vary worldwide influenced by several factors such as age, gender, ethnicity, genetic susceptibilities, and environmental exposures. Additionally the treatment of Parkinson’s using L-Dopa has been successfully used in the treatment of Parkinson’s disease (PD) for more than 50 years. It fulfilled the criteria to cross the blood–brain barrier and counteract the biochemical defect of dopamine (DA). It remarkably worked after some adjustments in line with the initial hypothesis, leaving a poor place to the plethora of mechanisms involving other neurotransmitters or mechanisms of action beyond newly synthesized DA itself. Yet, its mechanism of action is far from clear. It involves numerous distinct cell populations and does not mimic the mechanism of action of dopaminergic agonists.
Soon we will inform you about our new study in which we focus on this topic!
Stay tuned!
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